By: Carolyn Albrecht, Senior Director of Operations

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Our volunteers do not limit themselves to One Act. They provide us with many, many acts of generosity of their time and expertise.  Our board members give many hours contributing to the governance of our organization.  We have very committed administration volunteers who devote several hours every week to helping at our front reception desk and completing projects that assist us to support our clients.  Our Child and Youth volunteers devote their time to helping make our programming for children richer.  Volunteers for Food and Nutrition support this program by helping with gardening and providing their organizational skills in the kitchen.  We also have a dedicated group of volunteers who provide their outstanding creative and organizational skills at our Fundraising events.  Volunteers for the new Haven House capital project brought together an amazing group of dedicated people assuming roles on the building committee and fundraising Leadership team.

A milestone was celebrated this year, with our volunteer Frank Scarfino, who devoted 12 years of volunteering with our Child and Youth program. The benefit Frank brought to our children is immeasurable.  We are very grateful for his generosity.  Frank continues to volunteer at our fundraising events.

We thank each and every volunteer of Women’s Crisis Services for their multiple acts of kindness in helping women and their children move beyond violence.

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